Ushers Ministry

Ushers Ministry | Harvest Christian Fellowship

Facilities Ministry
Along with the sound ministry, the facilities ministry people are among the first you’ll see at HCF, that is if you arrive early enough.The facilities ministry is responsible for preparing and equipping the areas designated in the city center building for the worship/bible study service(s) or any other function of HCF. In addition, the ministry is responsible for the removal of such items at the conclusion of every service. Four teams consisting of 2-3 dedicated people rotate on a monthly basis (one team a week).

The guidelines for the facilities ministry include:
Make sure all light fixtures are functioning properly, trash rescepticles emptied and trash bags replaced, bathrooms cleaned, floors swepted and mopped, carpets vacuumed, setting up/ putting away chairs, setting up/ putting away tables, etc. These are but some of the functions the facilities ministry at HCF. Facilities is not just a job or duty but a personal service to Jesus Christ and his body— the Church, therefore it is a vital part of the healthy functioning of the congregation.

Ushers Ministry
Another important ministry at HCF is our Usher’s Ministry. An usher is also the personal servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore it is their privilage and responsibility to maintain an atmosphere of reverence and order before, during, and after the service. They also have the privilege of meeting and greeting every person who enters the church, that’s a ministry the pastor cannot always fulfill. Other responsibilites include seating people, serving communion, collecting the offering, handing out materials, communicating special needs to the pastors and head usher. To serve in these tasks effectively relies solely on the individuals dependency of the Holy Spirit.